5 Years Laura Garcia Jax Realtor

5 Years Later and Still Going Strong

5 Years Laura Garcia Jax Realtor

Five years ago, in February 2014, I began my first position in real estate.  Under an experienced broker, I helped to oversee 120 rental properties from maintenance, to advertising, to rent collection. It was a stressful introduction to the industry, but my business degree and personality ended up fitting perfectly in an area known for high burnout rates. As that job expanded into coordinating renovations, helping run the daily operations, and marketing the properties for sale (as homeowners transitioned out of renting), I realized I found my niche.

Fast forward five years, I am now enjoying business on my own. I am continuing to gain more experience in sales and have expanded to representing buyers. I have switched to a large brokerage that gives me access to tools and a team to bring my services to the next level. I am ever learning new facets of this industry and now proudly claim it as my career. 

If you had asked me while I was a business student at the University of Florida, “what career are you planning on pursuing?” I would have shared I planned to work internationally for a non-profit. My goal was always to help others by lending those in need my business knowledge. As I graduated Cum Laude in 2013, I still thought looking abroad to help was the answer. Luckily God knows more than me! He helped me see a local need – one that hit closer to Home.

When my husband and I bought our first home, I noticed how behind my generation was in home ownership. Very few of my peers had bought a home; most couldn’t even save for a down payment. Our track for wealth growth was so far behind previous generations. Part of it was economic forces I couldn’t change, but another part I identified was a hole in education.

We spent +18 years in school taking classes deemed necessary to succeed in the adult workforce: trigonometry, chemistry, foreign languages.  We graduated with a high school diploma; others had gained a bachelors and even a masters.  We had graduated with professional head knowledge; however, the practical knowledge of how to run our own household and how to manage “adult” decisions like buying our first home were subjects often not broached. This hole in education has become my passion.

And so, Agent Millennial was born! I started doing regular videos discussing common questions in the hope of filling the holes in our practical education where I could. In the process, I discovered every generation needs a helping hand in real estate and we can all benefit from sharing our experiences with each other. My role as a Realtor® is not about just closing the deal however possible. My role as a Realtor® is about helping and educating others, and lending my knowledge, negotiation skills, and business sense where I can.

I am thankful for every client I have helped over the past 5 years – from baby boomers to millennials, large families to single retirees, and first-time home buyers to seasoned homesellers. Buying and selling a home can be the largest financial transaction of an individual’s life, and it is an honor to be a part of yours. I enjoy meeting and learning from each one of you, and look forward to continuing to grow together in this real estate journey. Let us not hesitate to offer a lending hand when we can.

Thanks for the past five years, and cheers to many more!

Contact Laura Garcia!

  1. Sara says:

    I love this!! You are so good at what you do, and millennials like myself are so thankful you are sharing your knowledge with us!

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